• A minor must have a parent's notarized consent to receive an abortion:
      One parent must consent before a physician may perform an abortion on a minor under the age of 18, unless there is a medical emergency or the pregnancy resulted from sexual conduct by a family member. A minor may also obtain judicial bypass of this requirement by demonstrating she is mature and capable of giving informed consent or that an abortion (without parental consent) is in her best interests. 
  • A woman must receive state-directed counseling from a doctor in person, at least 24 hours before having an abortion: 
      Twenty-four hours prior to an abortion, a woman must receive information about the nature of the procedure, the immediate and long-term risks of abortion, the risks of child- birth, alternatives to the procedure, and the probable gestational age and anatomical and physiological characteristics of the unborn child. Women must also receive information about medical assistance benefits, the father's liability for child support, and that public and private agencies are available to assist the woman. Women must also be informed that it is illegal for a person to intimidate or coerce a woman into having an abortion.
  • Abortions must be performed by a licensed physician
      In addition to requiring that surgical abortions be performed by a physician, only doctors are allowed to dispense RU486 (the abortion pill).
  • Health-care workers, including pharmacists can decline to provide information or access to abortion, emergency contraception or birth control based on their personal beliefs
  • Abortions at viability are prohibited except in cases of life or health endangerment
     For the purposes of the law, "viable fetus" means that there is reasonable probability that fetus coud survive outside of the uterus, according to the present physician's judgment. In the event that the mother's life or major bodily function is at risk, a second physician is required to participate in performing abortion.
  • "Partial-birth" abortion banned 
      Abortion performed after partially vaginally delivering a living fetus is prohibited.
  • A woman may not obtain an abortion at any public facility, including universities facility, unless the procedure is necessary to save her life
  • Health-insurance policies, including public health funding, may not include abortion coverage, with exceptions only to save a woman's life or avert substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function.  
      Abortion coverage may be obtained only through an optional rider for which an additional premium is paid.  However, nothing in the act requires an insurer to offer such a rider. 
      Health-insurance policies provided to state employees may not include abortion coverage, except to save a woman's life, avert substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function, or in cases of rape or incest. Where relevant, certain documentation is required to receive public funding.  Cases requiring documentation include: (1) a minor under 18 or an incapacitated adult may not obtain publicly funded abortion care without the written consent of a parent or guardian; and (2) if the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, documentation must be obtained that the crime was reported to the proper authorities. 
  • Any provider, other than a hospital, who provides five or more first-trimester abortions in any month, or any second-or third-trimester abortions, must be licensed as an "abortion clinic."  
      Abortion clinics are subject to dozens of physical-plant, record-keeping, personnel, and patient-care requirements.  

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